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Breakfast tacos

On a little getaway to Indianapolis last November Heidi and I got an idea from a couple who lives in Austin, Texas, named Fred and Melissa Campbell.  Fred and Melissa told us how they go door to door in Austin’s apartment communities passing out breakfast tacos and sharing the gospel.  After talking with them for an hour, Heidi and I looked at each other and asked, “Can it really be this simple?” 

We drove home and the following Saturday morning we went to Steak’n Shake and bought 50 breakfast tacos (decent tacos and they’re only $.99).  We then drove to an apartment community not far from our home. With the kids in tow, we went door to door asking folks if they’d like a free breakfast taco?  To our surprise, most people said YES.  Then, after one of our kids handed them some tacos, we asked, “Hey, while we’re here is there anything we can pray for you about?” To our greater surprise, most people who took a taco also let us pray for them.

If they asked us to pray for something specific, that’s what we did. If they couldn’t think of anything specific, we just prayed a prayer of blessing over their lives, asking GOD to give them the desires of their hearts.  Then we said Amen and walked to the next door.

We waited two weeks and then went back to follow-up with them and see what GOD did. We have been TOTALLY AMAZED at how GOD worked in their lives — we have seen a broken thumb completely healed, people open up their homes to us to begin Discovery Bible Studies, people have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior right on their front doorstep, barren women have become pregnant– just AMAZING testimonies that people are attributing to GOD and the power of Jesus.  

The Christian life is meant to be simple. We make it way too complicated with our religious activities and unbelief.  

There’s a lot more to tell about our “taco outreach” but I’ll save it for later. Until then, know that GOD is a Big Boy and can speak for Himself. Just pray for people. GOD can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine. It just takes some faith.  




  1. My church did this also only we used hotdogs in the summer & Christmas morning we take breakfast sandwiches. We got the same results it was awesome. God is good all the time.

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