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The Last Few Weeks in Pictures

Lots happening the last few weeks. I will just highlight some things with pictures!

We threw two birthday parties for boys at Soler.  Eduardo,  pictured, loved it, even though he once again fell for the “take a bite of cake ” while his friends ran up behind him and slammed his face into the cake trick.  That is quite the tradition here!  The other boy went with his family to celebrate, but had told us he would be back for dinner. We had it all decorated and ready, but he didn’t come back in time. So we took it all down and just had his cake for breakfast the next day.  Oh well. At least he knew we tried! 

Two girls from Rosarito were in the Flag Day parade, so we went to watch them march.

I received the promised money for fruit and took the Super Pandas shopping!

The kids and I did some science at the beach (studying mollusks this week).

I know, it is almost enough to make me like teaching science!  

We had another Polished Girlz event and visited another orphanage with our high school girls.

Gabe started teaching a disciple-making training at Wave Church – our church in San Diego.

We joined Sara at a church in LA one day. The church is having a big Global Exploration Week about all of their international ministries. We went to help represent TCM and hopefully help them to find more child sponsors.

On that same day, we drove from Tijuana to LA (about 2 hours once we cross the border), then drove back to Mexico. Then Gabe and the 2 older kids did a midnight airport run to pick up two college girls who are visiting us here this week.  Lots of time in the car that day.

And, it rained for two days (rare here), so the kids in Tijuana and Rosarito were all off school. They take “rain days” because so many kids and teachers live off dirt roads that you cannot drive on when it does rain.  That was new to us!  Too bad for the Landes kids, though. We didn’t take snow days in Ohio and we didn’t take a rain day here. But we did all appreciate that breakfast was at 8am instead of the usual 6:45 am!  I will take sleeping in late any day! 🙂

That’s just some of the “extra stuff”. It has been fun, giving us and the kids here at TCM some variety! March is supposed to be a busy month with groups, so we will see what fun stuff comes up next! 

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