
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We have arrived in Mexico and are settling in! The staff housing that we are using is very nice and was somewhat furnished for us. We have made a few trips to Mexican Wal-mart to get curtains and some other basics.

There are around 60 kids at the site. We are starting to get to know them and the staff, although our Spanish needs to improve! 🙂

The second day we were here, the solar powered generator went out and hasn’t been totally fixed yet, so we use flashlights and have no connection through wifi to the outside world. They ran out of water one day too, but thankfully that was fixed quickly. Our family cheered when the water truck arrived:)

There is a staff wedding this weekend, so things are pretty busy around here. We are just getting adjusted to the routine. The staff has been very kind in helping us get settled.

More soon… Especially if the power gets fixed! 🙂
– Heidi