
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Our goal here is to raise $50,000. The orphanage is in it’s 50th year, so we are trying to raise 50 for 50! ๐Ÿ™‚  One of the ways that we are seeking to do this is to find 100 new child sponsors!  Child sponsors used to commit to $50 a month, which goes toward the food, clothing, school, expense, etc.  Of course $50/month does not cover all the costs, so the goal of TCM is that each child has 4 sponsors. But we just changed that. If you can commit ANY amount per month, you can be a sponsor, and if it takes 10 people to sponsor one child, that is fine.   Right now, some children are sponsored, but almost half of the kids are new this fall and have 0 sponsors!  Sponsors get monthly letters which give updates about the home, as well as letters and pictures from their kids.  One of the things we hope to do while we are here is to send even more updates to sponsors as we spend time with the kids.  


So how to find the new sponsors… well, November 2nd is “Orphan Sunday” in the US, and many churches do something special that day. We are hoping to find churches who will use that Sunday to talk about TCM and set up a table… we have brochures and child information sheets so that people can start sponsoring!  (Ok, all those materials are in progress, but we will have them ready in plenty of time!)  We also will have a video that can be shown in the service if you want it that tells about TCM.


If you would like to do something at your church that Sunday or know of someone who might, please let them know to contact us!  We are working on contacting churches and just putting it out there, and trusting God to provide for His kids. We never know who might be interested in helping, so we like to throw it out and see what God does!  ๐Ÿ™‚


As you might have seen from our story of the kids we sponsored, it can become a long-term relationship.  These kids are in need… but they are amazing individuals, and tough! They have been through a lot in their lives, and praise God in spite it.  I can’t wait to tell more and more of the stories of the kids… God is at work here! 

This girl asks me every day if I found her a sponsor yet!!!!


Another of the kids…an extremely smart 4 year old! ๐Ÿ™‚ 

There are girls and boys, ages 4-19.  Pray that we find the sponsors for them!