
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I know, I know. With all the interesting things we post about, do you wonder if we really have time to do any school?  Well, yes, actually! 4-5 days a week we have structured lessons, usually from 7:30 am-11:30 or 12:30, depending on how long it takes them! Then we head off to do whatever we need to do for the orphanage in the afternoons.

We start with Bible and Science together, then each child works independently and/or individually with me on Math, Language Arts (spelling, grammar, vocab, writing, and reading), Spanish, and Handwriting.  They also have cleaning jobs each day (but since our space is pretty small, those jobs are pretty quick!) 

Three to four evenings a week, we have Spanish class as a family for an hour.

Then they just read, read, read a ton in their free time.  


 Here are some pictures of what homeschooling looks like (literally) here! 🙂 

Josiah likes to find a sunny spot… (and use my beach chair!?!)


Aliya likes the pink chair… no surprise there.

Kiersen writing out a dictation.

Liam working on his math.  (Notice my “to be graded pile” in the background!) 

For Spanish, we use  the computer program Rosetta Stone and/or they review flashcards from our Spanish classes. 

I do most of the teaching, but Gabe also helps the kids when they get stuck!

This week in Science we were studying Primeval Sea Creatures, so their project was to draw a life-size head of a Pliosaur.  Here the girls are using their measuring tape to begin…

Oh no!  The boys’ Pliosaur is eating Liam! (Look closely at the ground!)

It is a little hard to see, but the boys drew the entire body (30 feet). Each boy is standing at one end of the animal.  It was amazing to imagine one of these things in real life! 

Another day, Aliya and Liam had puzzles to put together of the different sea creatures we studied in the chapter.

Josiah and Kiersen had to do something else in their Science notebooks.

I enjoy homeschooling the kids, and it works very well for our life here!  

2 responses to “Homeschooling Here”

  1. Love love love seeing how adaptable homeschooling can be! And also showing the personalities of the kids in their choices of work spaces…
    I did homeschool for a short time with 3 of my girls, with the biggest outcome being that they all began to really love reading!