
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Kiersen and I love meeting with these girls every Tuesday!  Here is our typical meeting.

We start by reciting the verse they had to memorize from the week before. Most of them get it, at least “mas or menos” (more or less).

Next, each week we finish with an “I will… ” action statement. Based on our reading or just what they think God is telling them, each girl states one thing she will do that week to be obedient to God.  So the next week, we go around and see if they completed their I will statement.  If so, then we all cheer! If not, no applause for that person. This is gentle, loving accountability.  So far, they often choose a statement like “behave and don’t get in trouble” and most have NOT been successful.  But we continue to encourage each other each week. 

Next, we do a game or an activity.

Then we read a chapter in Spanish from our biography of a famous missionary. Every week, I remind them that we are reading this as an example, and someday I want to read all about how they live their life following God and helping others in some way.  

Finally, we learn a new verse, pray, and all make our “I will” statements for the next week. 

This week, our activity was to make “hamburger cookies”.  This had nothing to do with anything except that it was fun!  They made enough to share with all the other kids.  


Love our Super Pandas!