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If God has put a dream in your heart, don’t give up on it.  Keep pursuing it even if the progress is slow.  Our job is not to worry about success or failure, it’s to be obedient.  The success is up to Him. 
Last year someone introduced me to the concept of divine accelerations.  Those are times when, in the midst of hardship or perseverance, God suddenly shows up and boosts things forward beyond imagination.  We can’t control God, and we can’t control how and when He shows up, but if we’re being obedient to His words and seeking first His kingdom, then we should expect divine accelerations somewhere along the way.  Divine accelerations bring glory and honor to the Lord.
Last Monday I experienced a divine acceleration.  
Since last May I’ve been working on a campaign to raise $14,000 to construct a school building at one of the care points in Swaziland.  This school is free for orphans, and currently some of them meet under a tree because there’s not enough space in the existing buildings.
I contacted over 700 insurance agents in Ohio last summer asking them for a donation.  I figured if each gave an average of $25, we hit our goal.  By the end of summer we had raised $4,000, which was $10,000 short.
Fast forward to the end of December.  As of December 29, 2010, we still had only $4,000 in the Ohio for Orphans fund.  I had no idea what to do.  Then on December 30th someone made a generous year-end donation of $4,000, doubling the amount in our account.  Wow!  I was excited but still had NO IDEA how we’d raise the final six thousand.
It didn’t matter.  Last Monday, February 7, 2011, from out of nowhere, someone mailed me a check for $6,000!  SIX-THOUSAND-DOLLARS!  Mission accomplished.  It took me seven months to raise the first four thousand dollars.  It took God forty-seven days to bring ten thousand.  I am in awe of God.  I am in awe of His love for his orphans and how He provides for them.  Jesus, you are simply AWESOME!
Sometimes we miss out on divine accelerations because we give up too soon.  If God’s put a dream in your heart, don’t give up!  Keep plugging along and hope for a divine acceleration that will bring Him glory.

8 responses to “Expect divine accelerations”

  1. thanks for sharing…God is SO GOOD! way to stay the course. 🙂 i am sure this will encourage so many, including me.

  2. ” Well done Good and faithful servant” thanks for your example of passionately pursuing God for the rest of us on this journey. Looks like you not only started well but finished well!!